Whether you're an experienced player or just discovering the fascination for this sport – in Düsseldorf, you will find the ideal table tennis environment, to ignite your passion. Here, sporting enthusiasm meets a vibrant community of players who dedicate themselves to table tennis with devotion.

From table tennis tables, clubs to professional table tennis halls, Düsseldorf offers numerous opportunities to showcase your skills and compete with other table tennis enthusiasts. Whether outdoors at the table, in a table tennis bar, or in a local club – the virtual table tennis league from Sportbench is always by your side.

Where can you play table tennis in Düsseldorf?

Düsseldorf offers you many different opportunities to play table tennis and further develop your skills.

  • The numerous public table tennis tables invite you to spend the whole day at the table in good weather. Whether at the Hofgarten, in Oberkassel, in Düsseldorf Carlstadt or Friedrichstadt: In Düsseldorf, there's surely a table tennis table near you. An overview can be found here.
  • If you prefer to play indoors, there are numerous indoor halls in Düsseldorf, where playing table tennis is also possible on rainy days. Table tennis halls in Düsseldorf are perfect for leisure players and also for spontaneous matches with friends.
  • Interested in tournaments, championships, and competitions where you can compete with other club members and players from the region? In Düsseldorf, there are numerous table tennis clubs that form an active and vibrant table tennis community. Borussia Düsseldorf is one of the most successful table tennis clubs in Germany.
  • For those who want to intensively work on their table tennis skills, there are also table tennis camps in Düsseldorf. These offer professional supervision, specialized training programs, and a motivating environment to take your game to the next level.

No matter which location you choose: With Sportbench, you have your nationwide, free table tennis league right in your pocket.

Special feature of the local table tennis scene: the German Table Tennis Center (DTTZ) in Düsseldorf

A special feature of the table tennis scene in Düsseldorf is the German Table Tennis Center (DTTZ). As one of the leading training centers for table tennis in Germany, the DTTZ offers first-class training facilities and opportunities for players at all levels. Both national and international players have the chance to specifically prepare for tournaments and competitions here. With its outstanding facilities and expertise, the DTTZ significantly contributes to the development and promotion of table tennis in Düsseldorf.

Düsseldorf in table tennis fever – with Sportbench

Experience exciting table tennis matches in Düsseldorf with Sportbench in a virtual league. With us, there are no licensing requirements or participation fees – you decide when, how often, and where you step up to the table. And the best part: Sportbench accompanies you not only in Düsseldorf but on trips throughout Germany. Want to play a quick round of table tennis in Hamburg during a family visit or after a trade fair in Cologne play table tennis? No problem, Sportbench makes it possible!

With Sportbench you can easily find playing partners in Düsseldorf and all other cities. Browse through the rankings to discover table tennis fans and opponents at your level and organize your next game together.

At Sportbench, we think every point counts! Once you've found your opponent, exchange your QR codes via the app and make the match official. After an exciting exchange of blows, you can enter the result. No victory will be overlooked, as every match counts – for your rise in the league or as an incentive to play even better next time. Are you ready?